life as we know it

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My husband hates the alphabet

Well, he hates the first few letters, at least.

We frequently hear about plan A, plan B, plan C....and the list goes on (especially if embarking on an international adoption). What we have learned is that nothing is our plan. Not our plan A, or B or C. We are also frequently asked about biological children. Most people who read our blog are involved in the adoption community and understand this, but others we know assume we are unable to have biological children since we have chosen to adopt. Is adoption our plan B? N.O. We are simply following what we feel God has laid out for our lives; His plan. And through all of this, all the tears - and there have been many - and all the hopes, we must believe His plan is greater than ours (first or second...or third and fourth).

While we don't understand everything that happens, and we may never get the answer to the whys while we're here on earth, we have nothing left but to believe His ultimate plan. It's such a disconnect from our wordly views of planning and preparing for the future. Let's be honest here, none of us know where we'll be in ten years, five years, or even five days from now. As difficult as it has been for me to let go of those ambitions and plans (we seriously thought we'd be legal and offical parents by now), it's also liberating. You're right, God, I cannot handle this on my own. I cannot do this without Your strength. While this doesn't make my heart break any less for the hundreds of orphans I've met and loved and experienced life with, it comforts me that while I cannot do it alone, I don't have to. I have the strength of God to carry me through the easy and the hard days.

Adoption is a last resort. Family preservation is ideal and what we focus many of our efforts on, but we know there are millions of orphans in this world without a family any longer for one reason or another, and God's plan is for us to care for them now. For us, we feel like God's plan (the only plan A) includes adoption. We also believe it doesn't end there. We are lucky enough to travel to a place that feels more like home than anywhere I've ever lived and offer some of the gifts we've been given. God has also called us to child sponsorship. Remember that thing I was talking about? That family preservation thing? All some of these parents need is a little help to be able to raise their child in their culture.

While I believe it's important to research where the resources God has entrusted us with go, we've been so fortuante to have the opportunity to invest in some reputable organizations, including Compassion International and Children's HopeChest. We have seen our dear friend Yemamu and Sisay work tirelessly to help the children who live in Korah to give them life; good life, with access to food and clean water and clothes and education and a shower; the things they deserve despite the circumstances in which they were born. Children's HopeChest has come alongside Yemamu and Sisay's vision, Hands for the Needy, and has set up a child sponsorship program for all the kiddos currently enrolled. There's good news, then there's good news. Most of the 210 children in the program are sponsored! The other good news is that there are nine children left waiting that you could step up and help. Go check out all the adorable faces here.

Adoption, as well as child sponsorship, are ways we have been called to act. We pray that you can also find the way in which God has called you to care for the orphan, and that we can all be accepting of plan A: God's plan.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


This adoption thing really can create a sense of community between those who can relate to all we're experiencing.  In fact, some of these people become friends. Those whose phone numbers are now saved in your contacts, not just in your blog reader. Well, I have been fortunate enough to rub elbows with the sweetest lady ever, Beth Cupitt.

Beth is the founder of Give1Save1. I know you all know what that is (is that all I ever talk about these days?!), so you'll appreciate how she has such a special heart for families who are fundraising. In fact, Give1Save1 is opening it's doors for families adopting domesticallly, in the Caribbean islands and in Asia. That should be coming live any day now.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, which is dear Beth Cupitt. She is offically accepting the referral of an adorable little boy from Ethiopia. I'm telling you, he is precious. He has some special medical needs, though, and needs to get home to his family as soon as possible. What's this mean in the adoption world? A big fat check. And travel expenses. So not only does Beth have a huge heart, but she is crazy creative. I mean, seriously crazy creative. Here are a few ways we can help her out and bless her family:

Donate. She's created a Charity Project page where you can read more about her and her family and see that donate ticker go up and up!

Buy a painting. We cannot wait to have her do a special order painting of our sweet girl. You send the picture, can pick the color scheme and verse and she does the rest. You can also buy a painting she already has in her shop if that suits your fancy.

Have her take some pictures of your family. So you have to be local for this one, but she lives in Nassau Bay, Texas. You can contact her at b.cupitt@yahoo(dot)com.

Beth and her family. Precious, right?
Seriously, if anyone deserved to have us stand behind her and her family, it's Beth's right now. And her little baby boy who needs to come home. I think we can make this happen.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Everyone loves a giveaway!

There's a giveaway going on over at Give1Save1 this week! I've been thinking I need some items to adorn my wrists and this bracelet may just fit the bill! First read through the amazing family updates, then check out the giveaway at the bottom of the post. What would you pick?