life as we know it

Friday, May 11, 2012

End it.

Today I guest posted over at Give1Save1 today. I talked about an organization, 58:, who is on a mission to end poverty.
Here's what I said:
When you’ve seen severe poverty and the toll it takes on the people living among it, it’s beyond heartbreaking. Poverty breaks you and changes you; it’s overwhelming. I had learned that instead of allowing myself to feel so overwhelmed, if I felt I could affect just one person, it was worth it. Impacting even more people was great, too, but even one was worth the effort. I still believe that, but taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, I realize that one really does make a difference. Each one of us, impacting another, creates this momentum of fighting, and beating, poverty.
Hop on over to The End? Period. over at Give1 to check out the entire post.

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